
Charlie vs. Goliath (w/ Brooklyn in July)

North Park Theatre

Charlie vs. Goliath, Reed Lindsay (dir.), 75min, 2017

BIFF USA: Documentary Feature

Director Reed Lindsay in attendance

Going up against an opponent with $3 million in special interest funding, a penniless 75-year old former Catholic priest, Charlie, Hardy takes on his incumbent US senator – traveling from small town to small town in Wyoming in an old school bus.

@ North Park Theatre – Friday, October 6, 2:30PM

Screening with:

Brooklyn in July, Bob Celli (dir.), 21min, 2017

Thaddeus Daniels stars as a WWII veteran drawn to New York City in the summer of 1945 looking for a better life, but still haunted by fear and hatred he had hoped to leave behind in Bob Celli’s heartbreaking period drama.

Watch the trailer for Charlie vs. Goliath here!

  • Video from Charlie vs. Goliath

    Still from Charlie vs. Goliath

    Still from Charlie vs. Goliath